Featured image of post MUSIC 255


The Romantic Century

Took with Kenneth Hull, who just retired after this term… And there were 3 guest lectures (candidate to succeed his position). He said he has been teaching here for 40 years (that is amazing). Not too surprisingly, the successor will be teaching me music 110 during Winter 2020.

This course is just an introduction to all types of different music at that time. Pretty good introduction. Then I realized my lack of knowledge compared to the classmates.

First, I just wanted to take a sixth course (stat 230, and not online version). Then because of the time conflicts and inability to override the class, I chose this course to be the sixth. I didn’t plan to do music minor at that time… After I planned to do more music theory courses and history courses, music minor is already there!

He said he wouldn’t fail you like other faculties… and yes! He didn’t. I got an OK grade. The grade distribution is that simple: 3 in-class tests and a presentation. Tests should be fair if you read over the textbooks (I didn’t, then I bought a second-hand version before the final…) and memorize the melodies of assigned pieces (I didn’t). It would be nice if he could post the solutions to the tests afterwards…

I examined Brahms’ A German Requiem, especially the 4th movement, which is melodic. Here are some resources:

Here is the outline posted on the website. The notes above is generated from the fall 2020 version, taught by Dr. Gray.

K. Hull

Here is a picture at the second to the last lecture (last lecture was final). Almost all members in Conrad was here to memorize this moment and he was cutting the cake.

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Notes taking with heart
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